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Freelance Sales & Marketing Day 2024

June 21 @ 09:00 - 16:30

Join Freelance Sales & Marketing Day 2024 to learn strategies and tactics for getting clients.


  • Pricing,

  • Outreach & client acquisition,

  • How to figure out what you want in business (and in life)

  • Awesome client service & communication

  • LinkedIn

  • Creating a marketing plan

  • Marketing automation

  • And much more!

For whom?

  • Do you want more and better assignments?
  • Do you want to sharpen your skills in specific sales and marketing domains?
  • Do you want to move from long-term clients to shorter multiple assignments?

Both starters and established freelancers are welcome to join. It is suitable for all kinds of professionals like HR, marketing & communication, administration, creative freelancers like designers, photographers and videographers, trainers, coaches and more.


Friday 21.6.2024 from 9 – 16:30



How much?

  • Standard 99€ – Until 21 June

Ticket prices are excluded VAT. You can download an invoice after registering your ticket. The ticket counts as a deductible professional cost. By buying a ticket you support the Freelancers in Belgium community activities.

Book your ticket here: LINK

Agenda Overview

See details about the sessions and the speakers below

  • 09:00 – 09:15 Welcome & present programme
  • 09:15 –  09:45 How I found my client – 4 freelancers x 4-minute presentations on how they found clients – Martijn Kruining – IT Support Manager & Scrum Master,  Sarah Martens – Event Moderator, Video Coach & Soft Skills Trainer, Anja Palmaerts – Expert in procurement & Christine Vardaros – Cycling Copywriter and Translator

  • 09:45 – 10:15 How to figure out what you want in business (and in life) – Thomas Joos, Agency Business Coach

  • 10:15 – 10:30 Break


  • 10:30 – 10:45 A typical “sales & marketing funnel of a freelancer” & present break-out workshops – Jean-François, Business Development Specialist

  • 10:45 – 12:00 Workshops. Choose your breakout workshop. All workshops will be recorded


– Mastering client connections: Tailoring your communication for success – Leticia Corbisier, Communication Expert & Productivity Hacker

– How to use LinkedIn to find & get assignments – Mic Adam, LinkedIn Trainer & Consultant

– How to design & deliver an awesome client service – Thomas Joos, Agency Business Coach

– Client acquisition & outreach strategies – Jean-François Bodart, Business Development Specialist

– Start your 1-year marketing plan – Eveline Hagenbeek Content Specialist & Founder The Content Hive

  • 12:00 – 12:20 Lessons summary from the workshops


  • 12:20 – 13:00 Lunch break


  • 13:00 – 13:05 Present afternoon sessions


  • 13:05 – 13:35 Mastering freelance pricing strategies – Denys Robyn, Pricing Expert

  • 13:35 – 14:05 Marketing automation, AI and working smarter on a small budget – Sanne Van Broeck Marketing Operations Freelancer

  • 14:05 – 14:45 Peer-to-Peer Roundtables. Choose your breakout roundtable. The roundtables will not be recorded but there will be a text format summary provided after the event. Topics:


– How to feel comfortable with selling yourself and talking about money? Imposter syndrome

– How to (re) negotiate your rate?

– How do you network & get referrals?

– Doing multiple things

– Learning to say no

– The problem with the cobbler’s children, it’s easy to do marketing for your client but not for yourself


  • 14:45 – 15:00 Break


  • 15:00 – 15:45 Panel: How I found my freelancer – A panel discussion with company owners, recruiters and hiring managers with experience in hiring freelancers – Yannick De Smedt – Managing Director OMcollective
    Elke Haemelynck – Founder & CEO Happy Humans & Jorim Rademaker – Founder & CEO Manual.to


  • 15:45 – 16:15 Closing presentation – What do you have to say for yourself? – Piet Saegeman – Messaging Strategist


  • 16:15 – 16:30 Closing



The event is a must-attend if you want to excel in whatever you provide for your clients and feel fulfilled, encouraged and satisfied about your professional life in Belgium (and beyond!). I appreciated that a lot that my questions were addressed extensively – almost like a personalized approach 🙂” – Weronika Kontykiewicz-Biel, Lifecycle Marketer and Mindful Growth Coach




Session & Speaker Details:

09:15 –  09:45 How I found my client

4 freelancers x 4-minute presentations on how they found clients

🎤 About the speakers

Martijn Kruining – IT Support Manager & Scrum Master,  Sarah Martens – Event Moderator, Video Coach & Soft Skills Trainer, Anja Palmaerts – Expert in procurement & Christine Vardaros – Cycling Copywriter and Translator are all active freelancers with various skills and ways to find clients. 

09:45 – 10:15 How to figure out what you want in business (and in life) – Thomas Joos, Agency Business Coach

Learn best practices to reflect & learn more about yourself and get tips to define and formulate big dreams and goals
In this session, Thomas will talk about how he tackled big turning points in his career. He’ll share tips for dealing with uncertainty, learning more about yourself and defining what you really want in business and life.

🎤 About the speaker:

Thomas Joos has made the transition from freelance app designer to agency owner (award-winning product design studio Little Miss Robot) and has experience in guiding more than 150 agency founders in growing their businesses as a coach.

10:30 – 10:45 A typical sales & marketing funnel of a freelancer & present break-out workshops – Jean-François Bodart, Business Development Specialist

Get a quick overview of how a freelancer sets up sales & marketing activities and find out more about the breakout workshops.

🎤 About the speaker:
Jean-François has been a freelancer for more than a decade. He has a background as a sales freelancer in real estate, HR and marketing services and has worked with companies like Ascento, Immoweb, SD Worx, Easymatch and Ariad, so he is home to many markets and types of clients. 

10:45 – 12:00 Workshops

Choose your breakout workshop. There will be a bit of theory but also practical exercises. All workshops will be recorded and shared with everyone registered for the event.


Mastering client connections: Tailoring your communication for success – Leticia Corbisier, Communication Expert & Productivity Hacker

🗣️ Master the art of adapting your communication style to diverse client preferences, all while staying true to yourself. 🤝

🔍 Discover Key Insights:

  • Explore the behaviour psychology behind how individuals are wired.
  • Recognize unique traits in different client working styles.
  • Improve the effectiveness of your client interactions in person, remotely and/or in writing.
  • Learn strategies to leverage strengths and mitigate blind spots.

🔧 Hands-On Practice:

Put theory into practice with engaging exercises that helps you recognize your dominant operating style(s) and what opportunities/blindspots they may possess. Work to identify ways to leverage and adapt these styles effectively when dealing with diverse clients with unique needs.

🎤 About the trainer:

Leticia Corbisier is a productivity hacker and managing director of Kaizen Strategies Consulting, a boutique learning consultancy firm with a primary focus in the tech, legal and finance sectors. Leticia’s work explores the intersection and synergies between technology and human behaviour to boost productivity. Leticia specializes in supporting individuals to realise their potential through initiatives that promote high-performing habits and mindsets – incorporating the latest AI and productivity tools. She has extensive experience in learning design, coupled with a passion for researching behaviour psychology and neuroscience for business, enabling her to introduce innovative approaches to drive peak performance and foster high-performing cultures.

How to use LinkedIn to find & get assignments – Mic Adam, LinkedIn Trainer & Consultant

🔍 Get more customers with LinkedIn! 🚀

📌 Learn LinkedIn Features:

  • Craft a standout profile
  • Content ideas for posts that drive conversations
  • How to react to other people’s posts for maximum visibility 
  • Expand your network with a focus on unlocking lucrative assignments.
  • Get the most out of LinkedIn Jobs

🔧 Hands-On Practice:

Engage with hands-on exercises to apply what you learned to stand out as a freelancer in your network!

📋 Requirements

You should have a basic LinkedIn profile set up before joining this session. 

🎤 About the trainer:

Mic Adam provides LinkedIn training and consultancy for sales, marketing and recruitment with a focus on Sales Navigator, LinkedIn Recruiter and ads. He has helped individuals and companies realise a significant return on investment (ROI) from their social media endeavours already for more than 15 years. 

He is also the author of the Belgian LinkedIn Monitor. There he shares monthly updates on new features and the monthly barometer for LinkedIn usage in Belgium.

How to design & deliver an awesome client service – Thomas Joos, Agency Business Coach

Happy clients spread the word & help you grow your freelance business.  In this workshop you’ll learn how to design and deliver an exceptional experience and turn your customer base into fans & ambassadors.

Here’s what you can expect:
  • pragmatic framework to define the perfect client service
  • tips & tricks to make customers happy even when things don’t go as planned
  • how to communicate properly
  • how to balance 1×1 and remote meetings
🎤 About the trainer:
Thomas Joos will show you how to set up a structure that allows you to comfortably deliver what you promised and keep it fun & smooth for your customer. He’ll give you exclusive insights on what matters to clients after years of research & surveys.
Thomas has made the transition from freelance app designer to agency owner (award-winning product design studio Little Miss Robot) and has experience in guiding more than 150 agency founders in growing their businesses as a coach.

Client acquisition & outreach strategies – Jean-François Bodart, Business Development Specialist

💼 Discover strategies for identifying your ideal clients, reaching out effectively, crafting compelling outreach messages, and making time for consistent prospecting, 🤝

📌 Learn:

  • How to recognise your ideal client and where to find them
  • How to dare to reach out and ask for things
  • Different methods for reaching out to prospects and potential clients
  • What should be included in a compelling outreach message
  • How to create room in your agenda to consistently do prospecting, even if you are busy working on an assignment

🔧 Hands-On Practice:

  • Create a list of prospective clients
  • Make a plan for how to reach them, and when

🎤 About the trainer:
Jean-François has been a freelancer for more than a decade. He has a background as a sales freelancer in real estate, HR and marketing services and has worked with companies like Ascento, Immoweb, SD Worx, Easymatch and Ariad, so he is home to many markets and types of clients. The last years he has also delivered sales training to various companies and worked as a sales coach.

Start your 1-year marketing plan – Eveline Hagenbeek, Content Specialist & Founder The Content Hive

🔍 Receive invaluable insights into mastering online visibility and honing your content marketing efforts into a strategic yearly plan. 🚀

Content specialist Eveline Hagenbeek will guide you through the jungle of options for getting visibility online and give you tips to streamline your content marketing and distil it into a year plan.

📌 Learn:

  • Discover the most effective channels tailored to your objectives
  • Get content ideas with easy-to-make content to captivate potential clients
  • Do’s and don’ts of visual and video content creation
  • Receive a ready-to-use one-year marketing plan template

🔧 Hands-On Practice:

Receive a comprehensive checklist for leveraging social media to attract clients and begin filling in your personalised one-year marketing plan template.

🎤 About the trainer:

Eveline Hagenbeek is a seasoned content marketer and the founder of The Content Hive, a dynamic marketing network comprised of specialised freelancers. With a wealth of expertise spanning various marketing platforms, Eveline is dedicated to helping freelancers with the tools they need to thrive in the digital landscape.

12:00 – 12:20 Lessons summary from the workshops

13:05 – 13:35 Mastering freelance pricing strategies – Denys Robyn, Pricing Expert

For many freelancers, the default is a time-based billing model. But this is a trap for both freelancers and their customers. Another popular model is the cost-plus method. The problem? It does not align with the value delivered and provides freelancers with a low return for their work. The solution? Package your services and implement value pricing. You will earn more and your customers will be happier.

Join this interactive session with pricing expert Denys Robyn to learn about different pricing models, how to package your services and base your pricing on the value delivered.

🎤 About the speaker:

Denys Robyn is a seasoned expert in pricing, product marketing, and Go-to-Market strategies with a remarkable career spanning over a decade at Toyota and digital companies. He has leveraged his expertise to assist companies of all sizes in creating more customer value, capturing value and achieving positioning as an Interim Manager and Market Consultant.

In his role as an independent consultant, Denys is helping businesses, from startups to established firms, maximise their revenue and profitability through strategic pricing plans and effective market positioning.

13:35 – 14:05 Marketing automation, AI and working smarter on a small budget – Sanne Van Broeck Marketing Operations Freelancer

Join Sanne who will share hyper-practical and tactical tips for putting your marketing on autopilot with useful tools that don’t cost much and work in your one-person department.

📌 Learn about:

  • Attracting clients: outreach, content creation & marketing tools
  • Nurturing existing clients: tools for appearing more professional
  • Tools for saving time
  • Some fun tools you had no idea existed

🎤 About the speaker:

Sanne Van Broeck works as a Marketing Operations Freelancer. She uses freelancing to learn and explore the world of marketing and beyond and happily shares the knowledge she gains. She calls herself a tech nerd and loves tinkering with (digital) toys. She keeps a log of these tools in District 88.


14:05 – 14:45 Peer-to-Peer Roundtables

A roundtable is a collaborative discussion format where freelancers share experiences, insights, and challenges. Participants engage in open dialogue, offering mutual support and learning from each other’s expertise to collectively address common issues. All roundtables will have a dedicated host making sure the discussions stay timely and on topic, giving room for everyone. The roundtables will not be recorded but there will be a text format summary provided to all registered participants after the event.

– How to feel comfortable with selling yourself and talking about money? And dealing with imposter syndrome
– How to (re) negotiate your rate?
– How do you network & get referrals?
– Doing multiple things
– Learning to say no
– The problem with the cobbler’s children, it’s easy to do marketing for your client but not for yourself

15:00 – 15:45 Panel: How I found my freelancer – A special panel discussion with company owners, recruiters and hiring managers with experience in working with freelancers – Speakers To Be Announced

Get insights to land more rewarding assignments. Hear from seasoned company owners, recruiters, and hiring managers who will share their experiences and tips on finding the perfect freelancer.

15:45 – 16:15 What Do You Have to Say for Yourself?

What you say about yourself as a freelancer is way more important than you think. Prospective clients will make 100% of their decision based on what you say.

📌 Learn about:

Piet will share how to describe and position yourself and your services to stand out and attract interest through 3 practical fast, and easy tactics. You will also get tips for demonstrating your expertise and learn what 2nd Order Messaging is and how to leverage it. 

🎤 About the speaker:

Known for his practical and actionable advice, Piet helps ambitious companies like Apple, Showpad, Intigriti, Techwolf and Gorilla grow faster with strategic messaging. And now we can learn from his advice also as freelancers. He combines principles from neuroscience, cognitive psychology and behavioural economics with his decades of experience in sales and marketing.

16:15 – 16:30 Closing

More information coming



Will this event be in English?


Will there be a recording?

Yes, all registered participants will get a recording in an email after the event

What if I can’t join or the event gets cancelled? 

Cancellation/Refund policy:

When purchasing a ticket you agree to these terms and conditions. If you cancel your attendance 14 days in advance your ticket will be refunded in full. If you cancel less than 14 days in advance there is no refund. You may transfer the ticket to another participant at any time free of charge.

The organiser is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of a substitution, alteration, cancellation or postponement of an event. The organiser shall assume no liability whatsoever in the circumstances that an event is cancelled, rescheduled or postponed due to a fortuitous event, Act of God, unforeseen occurrence or any other event that renders the performance of an event impracticable, illegal or impossible. For purposes of this clause, a
fortuitous event shall include, but not be limited to: war, fire, labour strike, extreme weather or other emergency.

Please note that while speakers and topics are confirmed at the time of publishing, circumstances beyond the control of the organisers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such, the organiser reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary without any liability to you whatsoever. Any substitutions or alterations will be updated on our web page as soon as possible.

What does the ticket include?

  • access to live sessions
  • on-demand recordings of sessions (all but the Peer To Peer Roundtables),
  • virtual networking opportunities such as chat rooms
  • downloadable resources or materials provided by the speakers

A whole day online, really? Will I be able to follow?
Yes, with a mix of insightful presentations, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities through the fun and lively chat, you’ll stay connected, informed, and entertained throughout the event. And the time will go fast.

“Freelancers in Belgium events always have a great atmosphere and lots of interaction. And you learn valuable insights both from the speakers and the participants.” Delphine Abdelmoula, Marketing Freelancer


This event is organised by

A community where freelancers:

  • connect and support each other on any topic from admin to sales to mindset
  • share best practices, job opportunities, tax information and tips on finding clients
  • learn how to start and run their businesses successfully through training and events
  • join the FREE Facebook group to meet thousands of freelancers today.

We share content and have some great partner deals too.

Find out more at www.freelancersinbelgium.be




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