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How to freelance next to your job by Accountable
May 16, 2022 @ 19:00 - 21:00
Thinking about freelancing on the side? Join and learn how to register, set up your accounting, find clients and set your price
About this event
This event is especially for people who want to earn an extra income as part-time freelancers (in Dutch: bijberoep) in Belgium.
Learn about registration, accounting, finding clients and setting your price.
19:00-19:10: Doors open and welcome
19:10-19:40: Things to consider when registering your freelance business on the side. Ju Tung Chiu from Securex provides useful information about things to consider before starting, the requirements to be able to start part-time, how to register your business and arrange social security
19:40-19:50 What does Starterslabo offer starting part-time freelancers? Get a short introduction to the offering of Starterslabo. They offer programs (in Dutch) to guide starting entrepreneurs during the start-up of their business.
19:50 – 20:20 Accounting and tax tips as a part-time freelancer Samuel Volpe from Accountable shares accountancy and tax tips for part-time freelancers
20:20 – 21:00 Ask a freelancer anything Ask questions to freelancer Jenny Bjorklof on she got started as a freelancer, found her first clients and set her price.
21:00 – 21:30 Networking with complimentary drinks and snacks at the Zebrastraat bar XYZ Lounge